As of 2023, EUMMAS is one of the collaborative partners involved in the development of IELR, a DIGITAL REPOSITORY alongside the Centre for Economic Information and Documentation (CIDE), with the National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu”, Romanian Academy (NIER) overseeing its hosting. Authors are encouraged to register their papers themselves or can opt to send them to our office for registration, at no cost.
Annie Bartoli, Gilles Rouet. Diversity and Inclusion: Isomorphism, “washing process”, or actual strategic approach?. Global, Social and Technological Development and Sustainability, EUMMAS, Feb 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ⟨hal-04197064⟩
Andrei, J. V., Vasić, M., & Vukovic, P. (2023). Sustainable Growth and Global Social Development in Competitive Economies. IGI Global, ISBN: 9781668488102,
Vasic, M., Duica, M. C., Berber, N., Enukidze, N.; Vasic, S., & Weis, L. (2023). ”Migrant Workers and Workforce Integration: Challenges for Managers in European Companies”, Strategic Management Vol. 28 No. 2,
Kliestik, T., Vochozka, M., and Vasić, M. (2022). “Biometric Sensor Technologies, Visual Imagery and Predictive Modeling Tools, and Ambient Sound Recognition Software in the Economic Infrastructure of the Metaverse,” Review of Contemporary Philosophy 21: 72–88.
Kontić, LJ., Zečević-Stanojević, O., Vasić, M (2022) ”Organic Production of Lavender in Serbia – Economic and Financial Analysis”, Economics of Agriculture, 69 (3), 911-924
Panait, M., Ionescu, R., Apostu, S. A., Vasić, M. (2022) ”Innovation through Industry 4.0 – Driving Economic Growth and Building Skills for Better Jobs”, Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges, 11(2),
Toader E. V., Gavrilei, A., Vasić, M. (2022) ”The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Food Chain and Small Producers”, AEE Papers, 6, 49-56,
Andrei, J. V., Rădulescu, I. D., Chivu, L., Erokhin, V., Nancu, D., Gao, T., & Vasic, M. (2022) ”A short descriptive analysis of the European evolutions of the inputs price indices of agricultural products between 2008 – 2017: patterns, trends and implications”. Strategic Management, (Online First)
Petkovic, B., Agdas, A. S., Zandi Y., Nikolic, I., Denic, N., Radenkovic, S. D. , Sattam Fahad Almojil, S. F., Roco-Videla, A., Kojic, N., Zlatkovic, D., Stojanovic, J. (2021), Neuro fuzzy evaluation of circular economy based on waste generation, recycling, renewable energy, biomass and soil pollution. Rhizosphere Volume 19, September 2021, 100418. Elsevier. ISSN: 2452-2198. Online:
Constantin, M., Rădulescu, I., Vasić, M., Andrei,J. & Pistalu, M.(2021).Modern forms of value creation in the global agri-food chain – Perspectives from the Facebook ads market. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence,15(1) 811-823.
Noniashvili M., Tetradze A., 2021, Digital Media in Education – Comparative Analysis of Formal and Non-Formal Education in Georgia, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology(IJISRT), Volume 6 – 2021, Issue 11 – November
M.Noniashvili, T. Batmanashvili.“Some Aspects of Economy Digital Transformation – Benefits, Challenges and Prospects of Implementing Blockchain Technology in Education System”. Volume 6 – 2021, Issue 9 – September.
Tsotne Zhghenti, Vakhtang Chkareuli. Enhancing online business sector: digital trust formation process. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 87-93.
Maia Melikidze, Irakli Samkharadze.Impact of Renewable Energy Legislation of the EU on the reform of Georgian energy law. J Biosens & Renew Sci 1(3)- 2021. JBRS.MS.ID.000113.
Noniashvili M., Dr. George Griffin and Dr. Marine Dgebuadze.,2019., The Tech Platform as Innovative Teaching Model at High Schools in Georgia, Journal of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Research (JEECAR), Institute IEECA.,ISSN 2328-8272., issue Vol. 6 No. 2. pp 30-38
Melikidze M., Chomakhidze D., Tskhakaia K., 2019., Structure of energy balance in Georgia and tendencies of changes. First Scientific and Technological Conference “Modern Problems of Power Engineering and Ways of Solving Them”., Georgian Technical University., #3(91)., ISSN 1512-0120, pp 149-152
Andrei, J.V., Chivu, L, Gheorghe, I.G., Grubor, A., Sedlarski, T., Sima, V., Subić, J., and Vasic, M. (2021). Business Demography and Economic Growth: Similarities and Disparities in 10 European Union Countries, Journal of Business Economics and Management, doi:
Zhghenti, T., & Chkareuli, V. (2021). Enhancing Online Business Sector: Digital Trust Formation Process, Marketing and Management of Innovations, 87-93.
Weis, L. Theoretical Approach to E-Learning Quality. Economics. Ecology. Socium (2021), 5, 33 – 45. doi:
Andrei, J. V., Chivu L., Gheorghe I. G., Grubor A., Sedlarski T., Sima V., Subić J., Vasic M. (2021). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Business Demography and European Socio-Economic Model: Does the Paradigm Really Converge?, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(2), 64.
Starchenko, L., Lyeonov, S., Vasylieva, T., Pimonenko, T., & Lyulyov, O. (2021). Environmental management and green brand for sustainable entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, 234 doi:
Samusevych, Y., Vysochyna, A., Vasylieva, T., Lyeonov, S., & Pokhylko, S. (2021). Environmental, energy and economic security: Assessment and interaction. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences, 234 doi:
Us, Y., Pimonenko, T., & Lyulyov, O. (2021). Energy efficiency profiles in developing the free-carbon economy: On the example of Ukraine and the V4 countries. Polityka Energetyczna, 23(4), 49-66. doi:
Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Kwilinski, A., Dzwigol, H., Dzwigol-Barosz, M., Pavlyk, V., & Barosz, P. (2021). The impact of the government policy on the energy efficient gap: The evidence from Ukraine. Energies, 14(2) doi:
Kriemadis T., Kariofyllas C., Melanthiou Y., Kartakoullis N., Sakas D.P. (2021) Environmental Turbulence and Strategic Aggressiveness in Sport Businesses During the Period of Economic Crisis. In: Sakas D.P., Nasiopoulos D.K., Taratuhina Y. (eds) Business Intelligence and Modelling. IC-BIM 2019. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
Florea, N.V., Mihai, D.C., Duica, A., Pahome, D. (2020). Analyzing and measuring the value of human resources using VRIN architecture and exponential integral function, JOSA,
Gondauri, D. Batiashvili, M. (2020). The Study of the Effects of Mobility Trends on the Statistical Models of the COVID-19 Virus Spreading. Electron J Gen Med. 2020; 17 (6): em243.
Duica, M., Florea, N.V., Duica, A., Tanasescu, I. (2020). The role of e-skills in developing sustainable organizations and e-activities in the new digitized business world, Sustainability, MDPI, 12(8), DOI
DROBNIČ, Janez, TOROŠ, Ivan, WEIS, Lidija. Ethical paradigms in business and society. Ekonomìka, ekologìâ, socìum, ISSN 2616-7107, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, str. 1-14, ilustr. doi: 10.31520/2616-7107/2020.4.1-1
Gondauri, D. Mikautadze, E. Batiashvili, M. (2020). Research on COVID-19 Virus Spreading Statistics based on the Examples of the Cases from Different Countries. Electron J Gen Med. 2020; 17 (4): em209.
Vasic, M. (2020). Challenges of Teleworking During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Anali Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Subotici, 56(44), 63-79.
Gogichadze A., Tzavara D. (2020) Mapping Georgian Bank Customer’s Preferences for Corporate Social Responsibility. In: Díaz Díaz B., Capaldi N., Idowu S., Schmidpeter R. (eds) Responsible Business in a Changing World. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer, Cham.
Stefan, M. C., Andreiana, V., & Iancu, D. (2020). Promoting Valahia University of Targoviste Among High-school Pupils and Students. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 86-94.
Duică, M. C., Florea, N. V., Duică, A., & Tănăsescu, I. A. (2020). The Role of E-Skills in Developing Sustainable Organizations and E-Activities in the New Digitized Business World. Sustainability, 12(8), 3400. MDPI AG.
Bilan, Y., Tiutiunyk, I., Lyeonov, S., & Vasylieva, T. (2020). Shadow economy and economic development: A panel cointegration and causality analysis. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 13(2), 173-193. doi:
Vasilyeva, T., Bilan, S., Bagmet, K., & Seliga, R. (2020). Institutional development gap in the social sector: Crosscountry analysis. Economics and Sociology, 13(1), 271-294. doi:
Kuzmenko, O., Vasylieva, T., Vojtovič, S., Chygryn, O., & Snieška, V. (2020). Why do regions differ in vulnerability to сovid-19? spatial nonlinear modeling of social and economic patterns. Economics and Sociology, 13(4), 318-340. doi:
Noniashvili, M., Dgebuadze , M., & Griffin, G. (2020). A new tech platform as innovative teaching model at high schools in Georgia . Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 7(1), 95-103.
Uzunboylu, N., Melanthiou, Y., and Papasolomou, I. (2020) “Hello Brand. Let’s Take A Selfie”, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 23, Issue:1, pp. 109-121 (Scopus and ABS 2) DOI:
Melanthiou, Y., Evripidou, L., Epaminonda, E., Komodromos, M. (2020) “The ‘Soft’ and ‘Hard’ sides of the Sharing Economy: Marketing, Sociocultural and Financial aspects”, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol. 24, Issue: 3, pp. 330-346 (Scopus and ABDC Index) DOI:
Casprini, E., Melanthiou, Y., Pucci, T., & Zanni, L. (2020). Managing founder-based brand identity during succession. Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 27, Issue: 1, pp. 1-14 (Scopus and ABS 2) DOI:
Chebbi, H., Yahiaoui, D., Sellami, M., Papasolomou, I., and Melanthiou, Y. (2020) “Focusing on internal stakeholders to enable the implementation of organizational change towards corporate entrepreneurship: A case study from France”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 119, p.p. 209-217 (Scopus and ABS 3) DOI:
Savolainen, T., Ikonen, M. & Nurmenniemi, H. (2019). Trust and Resilience in Entrepreneurial Process–supporting the becoming a self-employed entrepreneur. Nordic Journal of Business 68(3), 5–22.
Gondauri, D. Moistsrapishvili, M. (2019). Statistical and Financial Analysis of Georgian Railways Main Performance Indicators in 2006-2019. International Business Research, Vol. 12, No. 10 (2019), 64-74.
TRACHENKO, Liudmyla, WEIS, Lidija. Development of conceptual model as a means of forming effective quality management systems for engineering services enterprises. Ekonomìka, ekologìâ, socìum, ISSN 2616-7107, 2019, vol. 3, no. 3, str. 82-93. doi: 10.31520/2616-7107/2019.3.3-10
Constantin, Duica & Florea, Nicoleta & Anisoara, Duica & Raluca, Gilmeanu. (2019). Improving the Relationships between Organizations and their Customers Using Digital Multichannel Communication and Mathematical Simulation. ECONOMIC COMPUTATION AND ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS STUDIES AND RESEARCH. 53. 265-280. 10.24818/18423264/
Gondauri, D. Moistsrapishvili, M. (2019). Development of Railway Silk Road as a Platform for Promoting Georgia’s Economic Growth. International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 14, No. 6 (2019), 64-75.
KOLAR, Tomaž, ERČULJ, Vanja, WEIS, Lidija. Multigroup validation of the service quality, customer satisfaction and performance links in higher education. The Service industries journal, ISSN 0264-2069, 2019, vol. 39, iss. 13/14, str. 1004-1028, doi: 10.1080/02642069.2018.1460361
Duica, M., Florea, N.V., Duica, A., Gilmeanu, R. (2019). Improving the relationships between organizations and their customers using digital multichannel communication and mathematical simulation, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 53(1), 265-280, DOI:
Duica, M., Florea, N.V., Dobrescu, T.A. (2019). Obtaining value and performance by managing effectively the customers’ complaints, VJES, 10(24), Issue 1, 29-38, DOI
Florea, N.V., Tanasescu, D, Duica, A. (2019). Enabling customer-centricity and relationship management using Net Promoter Score, VJES, 9(23), Issue 2, 115-126, DOI:
Maria-Cristina Stefan & Violeta Andreea Andreiana & Mariana Vlad, 2019. “The Development of the Mountain Tourism Services in Romania –the Macroeconomic Implications and Strategic Perspectives,” Book chapters-LUMEN Proceedings, in: Maria Negreponti Delivanis (ed.), International Conference « Global interferences of knowledge society », November 16-17th, 2018, Targoviste, Romania, edition 1, volume 8, chapter 11, pages 106-117, Editura Lumen. DOI:
Bilan, Y., Vasylieva, T., Lyeonov, S., & Tiutiunyk, I. (2019). Shadow economy and its impact on demand at the investment market of the country. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 7(2), 27-43. doi:
Teerakapibal, S., and Melanthiou, Y. (2019) “The new helping the old: Social media as a facilitator for variety seeking in food choices of the grey population.” British Food Journal Vol.122, Issue: 1, pp. 272-290. (Scopus and ABS 1) DOI:
Zopiatis, A., and Melanthiou, Y. (2019) “The celebrity chef phenomenon: a (reflective) commentary”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (Scopus and ABS 3), Vol. 31 Issue: 2, pp.538-556 DOI:
Christoforou T., Melanthiou Y. (2019) “The Practicable Aspect of the Omni-Channel Retailing Strategy and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty”. In: Thrassou A., Vrontis D., Weber Y., Shams S., Tsoukatos E. (eds) The Synergy of Business Theory and Practice. Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research, In Association with EuroMed Academy of Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham DOI:
Duica, M.C., Florea, N.V., Duica, A. (2018). Selecting the right suppliers in procurement process along supply chain- a mathematical modeling approach, SCM4ECR, VJES, 9(1), 7-58, DOI
Mitu, E. I., & Vasic, M. (2018). Comparative Management of Human Resources between USA and Japan, Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 93-100.
Duica, A., Florea, N.V. (2018). Challenges for Business – E-Recruitment and Modeling, Revista Economia Contemporana, 3(3), 19-29,
Florea, N.V., Manea M.D. (2018). Chapter „Using Modeling and Simulation Tehniques to Improve the Accountability and the Performance of Human Resource Management”, volume „Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Improved Business Processes”, IGI Global, Hershey, USA, p.75-122, DOI:
Aškerc Zadravec, K., Kočar, S. (2018). The impact of academic discipline on teachers’ perceptions of university teaching and pedagogical training courses, Croatian Journal of Education, 20(4), 1261-1298. doi: 10.15516/cje.v20i4.2718
Papasolomou, I., Kountouros, H., Melanthiou, Y. (2018) “Internal CSR practices within the SME sector in Cyprus from the employees’ perspective – challenges and prospects”, Global Business and Economics Review (Scopus and ABS 1), 20 (5/6): 634-649 DOI:
Giovani, A., and Melanthiou, Y. (2017) “Retailer Loyalty in the Online Context: The Influence of Transactional and Relational Experiences”, Journal of Customer Behaviour (ABS 1), 16 (1): 35-59 DOI:
Komodromos, M., and Melanthiou, Y. (2017) “Challenges Experienced by Employees during Change Management: A Case Study from Cyprus” International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies (IJTCS), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 46-58. DOI:
Melanthiou, Y., Thrassou, A. and Vrontis, D. (2017) ‘A value-based transcription of student choices into higher education branding practices’, Global Business and Economics Review (ABS 1 and Scopus), Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.121–136. DOI:
Andreiana, V. A., Constantinescu, L. M., & Stefan, M. C. (2017). The Equestrian Tourism Valorisation in Romania. In S. Hugues, & N. Cristache (eds.), Risk in Contemporary Economy (pp. 479-490). Iasi, Romania: LUMEN Proceedings.
Ștefan Maria-Cristina & Andreiana Violeta – Andreea, 2017. “Comparative Analysis of the Distribution of Goods in Two Outlets: Carrefour and Auchan Ploiesti,” Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, Sciendo, vol. 8(1), pages 97-106.
Florea, N.V., Duica, A. (2017). Improving communication and relationship with customers using models to measure their value, Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 8(22), Issue 1, 47-56, DOI
Florea, N.V. (2017). Chapter “The tacit Knowledge and the Knowledge Management processes- developing a relationship-based Knowledge Matrix using simulation to improve organizational performance”, in volume “Handbook of Research on Tacit Knowledge Management for Organizational Success”, IGI Global, Hershey, USA, p.201-235 DOI:
Duica, Mircea Constantin; Florea, Nicoleta Valentina; Duica, Anisoara; Toplicianu, Valerica (2017), The role of mathematical modeling in analysing the impact of the internet on commercial activities, Journal of Science and Arts Targoviste Vol. 17, Iss. 3, p.503-522
Aškerc Zadravec, K. (2016). University teachersʼ opinions about higher education pedagogical training courses in Slovenia. CEPS journal, 6(4), 141-161.
Aškerc Zadravec, K., Braček Lalić, A. (2016). Students’ engagement in the quality assurance procedures in Slovenian higher education. IUT conference, 1-16.
Badea, Sorin & Stefan, Cristina. (2016). The Efficiency of the Macroeconomic Policies. Valahian Journal of Economic Sciences.
Zopiatis, A., Theocharous, A. L., Kosmas, P. C., Webster, C., and Melanthiou, Y. (2016) Developing a Country-wide Tourist Loyalty Scheme: A Barren Landscape. International Journal of Tourism Research (ABS 2 and Scopus), 18: 579–590 DOI:
Di Iazzi, A., Vrontis, D., Trio, O and Melanthiou, Y. (2016), “Consumer Preference, Satisfaction and Intentional Behavior: Investigating Consumer Attitudes for Branded or Unbranded Products”, Journal of Transnational Management (Scopus and ABS 1), Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 84-98 DOI:
Aškerc Zadravec, K., Kočar, S. (2015). Teaching and the pedagogical training of university teaching staff – practice and opinions under Slovenian higher education legislation. Education inquiry, 6(2). doi:
Melanthiou, Y., Papasolomou, I., Komodromos, M. (2015) “Social Media Uptake in Cyprus – or is it just a new Fad?” International Journal of Technology Marketing (Scopus and ABDC Index), 10(3): 312-325 DOI:
Melanthiou, Y., Pavlou, F., and Constantinou, E. (2015) “The Use of Social Network Sites as an E-Recruitment Tool”, Journal of Transnational Management (Scopus and ABS 1), 20(1): 31-49 DOI:
Komodromos, M. and Melanthiou, Y. (2014) “Corporate Reputation through Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Service Industry Companies”, Journal of Promotion Management (Scopus and ABDC Index), 20(4), 470-480 DOI:
Evripidou, L., and Melanthiou, Y. (2013) “Airline Industry Consolidation and Its Effect On Shareholder Value”, Journal for Global Business Advancement (Scopus and ABS 1), 6(4): 318-330 DOI:
Papasolomou, I. and Melanthiou, Y. (2012) “Social Media: Marketing Public Relation’s New Best Friend”, Journal of Promotion Management (Scopus and ABDC Index), 18(3), 319-328 DOI:
Vrontis, D. and Melanthiou, Y. (2011), “Assessing Website Effectiveness of Airline Companies”, International Journal of Online Marketing, 1(1): 12-23 Guest Editor: Professor Philip Kotler, Northwestern University, USA DOI:
Melanthiou, Y. and Fantis, S. (2010) “Using Social Networks as a Promotional Tool for Higher Education Institutions”, International Journal of Technology Marketing, (Scopus and ABDC Index) 5(4): 303-314 DOI:
Melanthiou, Y. (2008) “Students’ Views on Higher Education”, International Journal of Management Cases, 10 (2) DOI:
Vrontis, D., Ktoridou, D. and Melanthiou, Y. (2007), “Website Design and Development as an Effective and Efficient Promotional Tool: A Case Study in the Hotel Industry in Cyprus”, Journal of Website Promotion, 2 (3-4): 125-139 DOI:
Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A. and Melanthiou, Y. (2007) “A Contemporary Higher Education Student-Choice Model for Developed Countries”, Journal of Business Research (ABS 3 and Scopus), 60 (9): 979-989 DOI: