Prof. Dr. Mile Vasic
H.E. Aurelian Gogulescu
Honorary Vice-President
Prof. Dr. Pande Lazarevski
President of the EUMMAS Global Development Forum
Prof. Dr. Călin D. Oros
Prof. Dr. Yioula Melanthiou
Prof. Dr. Nino Enukidze
President of the EUMMAS Academic Consortium
Dr. B.B.L. Madhukar
President of the EUMMAS Business Consortium
Prof. Dr. Lidija Weis
President of the EUMMAS Women’s Forum
Zexin Ye
President of the Youth Forum
Prof. Dr. Gilles Rouet
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Vasilyeva
Prof. Dr. Osman Khan
Duško Stojanović
Business Development Director
Jelena Rajaković
Professional Development Director
Željko Gavrić
General Affairs Director
Prof. Dr. Marina Latukha
Director of the Center for Human Resources Management
Prof. Dr. Janka Táborecká
Director of the Center for Marketing Research
Prof. Dr. Edita Gelbūdienė
Director of the Center for Management of Nonprofit Organisations
Prof. Dr. Sonja D. Radenković
Prof. Dr. Leonidas Efthymiou
Prof. Dr. Davit Gondauri
DIRECTOR OF THE Eurasian Logistics Research Center
Prof. Dr. Maia Melikidze
DIRECTOR OF THE Center for Renewable Energy
Prof. Dr. Anna Gogichadze
DIRECTOR OF THE Digital Marketing Research Center
Sofia Khatsernova
Prof. Dr. Lenka Theodoulides
Ani Chelishvili
Project Task Group Director
Prof. Dr. Mile Vasic
PresidentProfessor Vasic obtained his MA and PhD in the field of Human Resources Management. He has acted as a Dean of Faculty of Technical Sciences, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Vice-Rector of PIM University and Vice-Rector and Rector of Slobomir P University. He was a guest lecture in Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. Besides academic work, his passion is the implementation of scientific knowledge and skills in practice. He has been consulting and providing in-company training worldwide and most important clients were Coca-Cola, Renault, BH Mont Trade Srl., Johnson & Johnson, McDonald’s, OMV… Between 2015 and 2018 professor Vasic served as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Romania.

H.E. Aurelian Gogulescu
Honorary Vice-President
Prof. Dr. Pande Lazarevski
President of the EUMMAS Global Development ForumProfessor Lazarevski has spent decades teaching and working at the Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. He is a Europe-wide recognized scholar decorated by the Prime Minister of the Republic of France as a “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques”. Professor Lazarevski was Fulbright Fellow at University of Pittsburgh, Johns Hopkins University, and Ohio State University. He was a director of the Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, director of several projects of national and international importance, member of the National Board for Accreditation in Higher Education as well as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of North Macedonia to Romania. Professor Lazarevski is a President of the EUMMAS Honorary Board.

Prof. Dr. Călin D. Oros
PRESIDENT OF THE EUMMAS ADVISORY BOARDProf. Dr. Călin D. Oros is an Associate Professor at the”Valahia” University of Târgoviște, Faculty of Sciences and Arts. At the ”Valahia” University of Târgoviște he was a Director of the Teaching Training Department, Director of the Research Department, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Vice-Rector in charge with Research, and finally Rector of the University from 2012 to 2020. In 1998 professor Oros was a visiting scientist at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, UK. He is well known for his expertise in the Accreditation Process and Quality Assurance. Professor Oros is a member of several professional associations and author of 11 books and more than 80 papers.
High Academic Advisor for Accreditation Process and Quality Assurance | Former Rector | President of the Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Yioula Melanthiou
PRESIDENT OF THE EUMMAS HONORARY BOARDYioula Melanthiou, is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Cyprus University of Technology. She holds a PhD in Marketing (University of Manchester, UK) and has been in academia since 2004 where she served as Head of the Department and Director of Doctoral Studies at the University of Nicosia. Her academic experience involves teaching Marketing at all levels and supervising doctoral students. Her primary research interests are in the areas of Social Media Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, presenting and publishing extensively on related topics. She has also served as Research Director and Marketing Consultant at a Multinational Company.

Prof. Dr. Nino Enukidze
President of the EUMMAS Academic ConsortiumProf. Dr. Nino Enukidze is the Rector of Business and Technology University with more than 10 years of experience of working in education sector, engaging stakeholders in innovations and technology agenda of the country. She launched Global Startup Foundation to operate at Silicon Valley Tbilisi in collaboration with Israel’s Silicon Wadi. Professor Enukidze acted also as a Dean at BTU and Deputy Director and Dean at the Management Institute of Illia State University. She is a member of the EUMAMS Honorary Board and the EUMMAS Women’s Forum.
Business and Technology University, GEORGIA

Dr. B.B.L. Madhukar
President of the EUMMAS Business Consortium
Prof. Dr. Lidija Weis
President of the EUMMAS Women’s ForumProf. Dr. Lidija Weis is the Dean of the B2 Ljubljana School of Business. She obtained her PhD at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, in the field of service profit chain in adult education. For the last 12 years, she has held top positions at privately-owned educational institutions. Her research work covers the field of social sciences. Since 2015 she has been an active member of the Beta Gamma Sigma. Professor Weis is a Vice President of the EUMMAS Honorary Board and the first President of the EUMMAS Women’s Forum.

Zexin Ye
President of the Youth ForumMr. Zexin Ye is the President of the Youth Forum. He studies Business Economics at the University of East Anglia in England.
Student, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Gilles Rouet
VICE PRESIDENT OF THE EUMMAS ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM I PRESIDENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEEProf. Dr. Gilles Rouet is Professor of Public Management, Director of the Institute ISM-IAE (Institut Supérieur de Management) of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris Saclay University (France), and Professor of International Relations, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica (Slovakia). He holds an ad personam Jean Monnet Chair since 2009. He was also Attaché for Academic and Scientific cooperation at the French Embassy in Bulgaria (2010-14) and at the French Embassy of France in Slovakia (2004-08). Prof. Dr. Gilles Rouet is a Honorary Board member of the European Marketing and Management Association.
Paris-Saclay University, UVSQ, LAREQUOI, Versailles, FRANCE

Prof. Dr. Tetyana Vasilyeva
VICE PRESIDENT OF THE EUMMAS ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM I PRESIDENT OF THE EDITORIAL BOARDProf. Dr. Tetyana Vasilyeva is a Director of Oleg Balatskyi Academic and Research Institute of Finance, as well as a Head of the Centre ARMG Publishing and an Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Business Ethics and Leadership”. She has participated in more than 30 international trainings and 50 international projects. Professor Vasilyeva is a member of the Business Support Center in Sumy region of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She has served as a Head of the Banking Department and a Head of the Department of Management of the State Academy of Banking of the NBU Ukrainian Academy of Banking. Professor Vasilyeva is a member of the EUMMAS Honorary Board.
Sumy State University, UKRAINE

Prof. Dr. Osman Khan
VICE PRESIDENT OF THE EUMMAS ACADEMIC CONSORTIUM I PRESIDENT OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCILDr. Osman Khan, has over fifteen years of experience working with companies to improve their business performance. His main area of expertise is in Customer Experience Management. Osman has an MBA, and a PhD in Marketing (Bradford). He has worked as the Director of MBA Programs at the Royal Docks Business School, at the University of East London. Dr. Khan has also taught at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and at the School of Management at the University of Bradford. He is a member of the EUMMAS Honorary Board and the founder and director of the
Institute of Customer Management, UNITED KINGDOM

Jelena Rajaković
Professional Development DirectorJelena Rajakovic is a professional development director of EUMMAS. She obtained her MA in the field of Lobbying and Image creation and is a PhD candidate in the field of diplomatic communication. In the period from 2015 to 2019 she performed the duty of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the State of Israel and Republic of Cyprus.
Jelena has a large number of certificates in various fields: Journalistic reporting, (BBC and Sky News, London), election observer, Developing self-awareness, European Integration, Developing professional skills, Conflict Management, Teamwork, EBSCO- research Databases, Team communication, Internal communication, Management and managers in public administration, Conflict Management, Conducting meetings, Preparation writing and project management, Interpersonal skills, Written and verbal communication.

Duško Stojanović
Business Development DirectorDusko Stojanovic is a Business Development Director of EUMMAS, former Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Permanent Representative to the African Union. Dusko obtained Bachelor of Arts/Major in political science and economics at the University of Saint John’s, MN, USA. He also spent a semester at the University Bunkyo Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan. He earned his Master of International Relations degree at the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of political science. At the moment he is a PhD candidate at Helwan University, Arab Republic of Egypt, Cairo. He was awarded a fellowship at the Queen Mary University, United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program MTCP, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Institute for Public Administration INTAN.

Željko Gavrić
General Affairs DirectorZeljko Gavric is a General Affairs Director of EUMMAS and a lecturer at the Faculty of Information Sciences of Slobomir P University. He obtained his BSc and MSc at the same faculty and is currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty of organisational Sciences of the University of Belgrade in Serbia.

Prof. Dr. Marina Latukha
Director of the Center for Human Resources ManagementMarina Latukha is a Professor, Leonard de Vinci Pole University, Ecole de Management, Research Center. She teaches international and strategic human resource management for BA, MA and MBA programmes. Marina Latukha has attended several postdoctoral programmes in leading European and USA business schools, including the Harvard Business School, the Haas School of Business, the London Business School and the HEC School of Business. She is an Academic director of Doctoral programs.
Leonard de Vinci Pole University, Ecole de Management, Research Center, FRANCE

Prof. Dr. Janka Táborecká
Director of the Center for Marketing ResearchProfessor Janka Táborecká works as Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Corporate Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. She is also a member of the Faculty Scientific Council, guarantee of bachelor study programme Business Economics and Management and co-guarantee of master study Marketing Management of Business.
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, SLOVAKIA

Prof. Dr. Edita Gelbūdienė
Director of the Center for Management of Nonprofit OrganisationsDr. Edita Gelbūdienė is a Lecturer, and a Head of Study Programs in SMK University of Applied Social Sciences. She obtained her PhD in Social sciences, Education. Her research is focused on social inclusion, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, domestic violence, gender inequality, educational empowerment, educational empowerment for innovations. Edita is a member Member of the Network of Equal Opportunities Researchers at Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania, a member of European Educational Research Association (EERA), and Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LETA).

Prof. Dr. Sonja D. Radenković
DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTSonja D. Radenkovic earned her PhD degree in informatics and software engineering from the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, FON – School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade, Serbia in 2014. Her areas of interests are: Software Engineering, Information Systems, Technology Enhanced Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management, E-Business, Project Management.

Prof. Dr. Leonidas Efthymiou
DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENTProf. Dr. Leonidas Efthymiou is Assistant Professor in Organisation, Tourism and Hospitality Studies at the University of Nicosia. He previously worked at Unicaf University, Intercollege, Pearson Education and the University of Leicester. He has co-edited and published several books, articles, media reports, policy papers and encyclopedia articles.

Prof. Dr. Davit Gondauri
DIRECTOR OF THE Eurasian Logistics Research CenterDavit Gondauri has PhD in Business Administration, and is an Associate Professor at Business & Technology University. He is also a Financial Advisor CEO at “Georgian Railway” JSC. Davit was a researcher at Business research center of Ilia State University. He has an extensive academic experience, and is an author of several research publications and books.

Prof. Dr. Maia Melikidze
DIRECTOR OF THE Center for Renewable EnergyMaia Melikidze is a PhD in Business Administration specialized in Renewable Energy. Ms Melikidze is an executive MBA graduate from Harvard University in the field of Global Strategic Management. Furthermore, she has academic education in International Economic Relations; and International Corporate Law. Currently she holds a position of an economic advisor to the President of Georgia Mr. Giorgi Margvelashvili. Before, she gained twelve year experience of working in a private sector.

Prof. Dr. Anna Gogichadze
DIRECTOR OF THE Digital Marketing Research CenterMarketing professional with 15 years of experience in marketing and communications. Anna is currently occupied as an associate professor at Business and Technology University (BTU) and working as a head of the marketing department at multi-profile clinic New Hospitals, in Tbilisi, Georgia. Anna holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Marketing from The University of Liverpool, and a Master’s degree in Public Relations from Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.

Sofia Khatsernova
Prof. Dr. Lenka Theodoulides
DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTLenka Theodoulides has been teaching subjects related to management disciplines, i.e. strategic and international management and management of innovations at the Matej Bel University in Slovakia. Her academic expertise evolves around leadership, more specifically focus on process of leadership, leading the change and innovations in organizations and processes of assessment and evaluation based on the critical thinking, feedback and reflection.
26.01.2024. Decision of the EUMMAS President 2024.01/26.03
17.01.2024. Decision of the EUMMAS President 2024.01/17.03
03.02.2023. Decision of the EUMMAS President 2023.02.03.1
05.02.2021. Decision of the EUMMAS President (Appointment of the Youth Forum President) 2021.02/05.2
03.02.2021. Decision of the EUMMAS President (Appointment of the Academic Consortium President) 2021.02/03.1
02.11.2020 Decision of The EUMMAS President (Appointment of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Honorary Board) 2020.10/21.1