Faculty of Economics, Business & Development, European University of Tirana, ALBANIA

School of Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, AUSTRIA

University for Business Engineering and Management, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus University of Technology, CYPRUS

Mendel University in Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC

Faculty of Political Science, Economics, and Business Administration, May University in Cairo, EGYPT

Estonian Business School, ESTONIA

Leonard de Vinci Pole University, Ecole de Management, Research Center, FRANCE

School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY

Institute of Leadership and Organizational Sciences, University of Pécs, HUNGARY

Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University, ITALY

Faculty of Economics and Management of Vytautas Magnus University, LITHUANIA

Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy, University of Malta, MALTA

University ”Goce Delchev”, Faculty of law, Shtip, NORTH MACEDONIA

Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, NORTH MACEDONIA

Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA

Faculty of Management, Poznań University of Economics and Business, POLAND

School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism of University of the Algarve, PORTUGAL

School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, PORTUGAL

National Institute for Economic Research „Costin C. Kirițescu”, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA

Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, National Institute for Economic Research Costin C. Kiriţescu, Romanian Academy, ROMANIA

Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, SLOVAKIA

Faculty of Economics and Admınıstratıve Sciences, Yeditepe University, TURKEY

Faculty of Economics and Admınıstratıve Sciences, Yeditepe University, TURKEY

Oleg Balatskyi Academic and Research Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sumy State University, UKRAINE

Northern Illinois University, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

The University of Lynchburg’s College of Business, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Prof. Dr. Elvin Meka
DeanProf. Dr. Elvin Meka is a Dean of Faculty of Economics, Business & Development. He has more 16 years of experience in central & commercial banking, capital & securities markets, and 10 years in academia, as Dean, Head of Department of Finance, and Vice Rector, at European University of Tirana. He has worked in several different financial institutions, such as: Bank of Albania, Tirana Stock Exchange, Albanian Association of Banks, Emporiki Bank, and “LUARASI” University. He is a Chief Editor of “BANKIERI” (an AAB publication).
Faculty of Economics, Business & Development, European University of Tirana, ALBANIA

Prof. Dr. Mateo Spaho
DeanProf. Dr. Mateo Spaho obtained his PhD in Economics at the University of Parma. He has worked as an adviser to the Minister of Finance of Albania, Lecturer at the European University of Tirana, Head of Department at Luarasi University and is now a Dean of the Faculty of Economics. Professor Spaho participated in a number of different projects and trainings at national and international level.
Faculty of Economics, Luarasi University, ALBANIA

Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann
RectorAndreas Altmann is an Austrian economist, and a founding managing director, professor and rector at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI). Altmann studied business administration and economics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and the Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck. He began his academic career in 1989 at the Institute for Public Finance at the University of Innsbruck, from where he moved to the Institute for Corporate Management at the University of Innsbruck in 1993. Andreas Altmann was appointed founding managing director of the management association Management Zentrum Tirol in 1994 and appointed founding managing director of the Management Center Innsbruck in 1997. In 2012 he was appointed rector of the MCI and in 2013 honorary professor at the University of Innsbruck. Andreas Altmann is the recipient of the science prize of the state capital Innsbruck, member and official in several university councils, advisory boards, supervisory boards and academic associations. In 2013 he was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art of the Republic of Austria.
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School, AUSTRIA

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Brodel
DeanProfessor Dietmar Brodel (born 1962) is a Dean of the School of Management at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Austria, where he also served as Rector between 2006-2014. His research interests include Strategy, International Business, Environmental Management and Ethics. Brodel received several honors and fellowships, is member of many academic and served on several academic and professional boards.
School of Management, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, AUSTRIA

Prof. Dr. Ilija J. Dzombic
DirectorProfessor Ilija J. Dzombic has more than a decade of experience in managing higher education institutions. He was a Dean of Faculty of Economics and is now a Director of University for Business Engineering and Management. He obtained his MA and PhD at the Faculty of Trade and Banking in Belgrade. Besides his academic career, professor Dzombic has served as a consultant and member of several executive boards.
University for Business Engineering and Management, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

Prof. Dr. Melika Husic-Mehmedovic
ProfessorProf. Dr. Melika Husic-Mehmedovic is full professor of Marketing. She was a director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, a Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and the Public Relations Manager previously. She has published research in luxury consumption, neuroscience in marketing, lifestyle and culture in different journals.
School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

Prof. Dr. Ruslan Penchev
RectorOver 25 years Professor Dr. Ruslan Penchev has worked actively in the field of project management, development of training programs for different levels of education and in the field of standards for systems of quality assurance of educational technologies for distance learning. He was a Counselor at the Embassy of Bulgaria in Israel, Head of the trade mission, with responsibility for the economic, trade and scientific relations between Bulgaria and Israel. Professor Dr. Ruslan Penchev has specializations in the field of management from Columbia University, New York, Boston College, University of Massachusetts, and University of Hartford.
International Business School, BULGARIA

Prof. Dr. Eleni Hadjiconstantinou
DeanProfessor Eleni Hadjiconstantinou joined Frederick University, Cyprus in October 2012, following twenty-two years of an academic career at the Business School, Imperial College London. She is a Professor of Management Science. Over the years, Eleni consulted for companies and supervised many PhD students/research associates and held a number of research projects at Imperial College London funded by the EU and the EPSRC (UK). For many years, Eleni taught operations and project management courses to undergraduate engineering students and MBA students at Imperial College London and other European universities. Since 2014, Professor Hadjiconstantinou has been the Dean of the School of Business and Law at Frederick University.
School of Business and Law of Frederick University, CYPRUS

Prof. Dr. Yioula Melanthiou
Professor Yioula Melanthiou, an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Communication at the Cyprus University of Technology, holds a PhD in Marketing (University of Manchester). She has been in academia since 2004, where she served as Director of Doctoral Programs in the School of Business at the University of Nicosia. Her research interests are in the area of Social Media and consumer behavior, presenting and publishing extensively on related topics. She has also been a research director and marketing consultant. She is a Chartered Marketer, and is involved in numerous European projects, and is an Expert Evaluator for KA1, KA2, and Horizon 2020. She has worked in the industry as a Research Account Manager and Marketing Consultant.
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Cyprus University of Technology, CYPRUS

Prof. Dr. Jana Turčínková
Professor I Deputy Head of DepartmentProf. Dr. Jana Turčínková has been teaching marketing subjects since 2002, both in Czech and English. Her home institution is the Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno, and she emphasizes the connection between theory and practice, supports cooperation with experts from practice and implements solutions of real case studies and projects in her classes. In her research, she focuses most of all on consumer behavior. In addition to her educational activities, she is engaged in marketing consulting, and also works in a family business, where she takes care of international customer-supplier relations. In the past, she also worked at Czech Radio and the Czech Center in Vienna.
Mendel University in Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC

Prof. Dr. Wafaa Galal Marzouk
DeanWafaa Marzouk received a PhD in business administration from Cairo University- Faculty of Commerce, Egypt, under joint supervision protocol with Huddersfield University Business School (HUBS), UK England. During this time, she worked at Cairo University, Faculty of Commerce as a lecturer and assistant professor in the Business Administration Department. Upon joining the Ahram Canadian University- Egypt in 2009, Wafaa served as the head of the School of Business Administration.

Prof. Dr. Mari Kooskora
Professor I Head of the Centre for Business EthicsAssoc. Prof. Mari Kooskora, PhD, is a Head of the EBS Centre for Business Ethics, researcher and trainer who has expertise in Business Ethics, CSR, Sustainability, Leadership, Corporate Governance, Diversity, Public Relations, Organizational Behavior and related fields. She has teaching and training experience besides Estonia also in Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, UK and Canada for more than 20 years. She is the author of research papers published in nationally and internationally recognized journals and has given numerous conference presentations. Her main research interests are ethics and responsibility in business and leadership, sustainability and women in leadership. As a board member of CSR Forum Estonia, member of European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), EABIS CSR Research Network, IESE BS Alumni, Business and Professional Women Estonia and earlier also Transparency International Estonia, and several other international networks she is actively contributing to the development of contributing to the development of more balanced and sustainable business and governance.
Estonian Business School, ESTONIA

Prof. Dr. Saara Julkunen
Head of the SchoolSaara Julkunen (Dr.Sc.) is an associate professor in International Sales and the Head of the Business School at the University of Eastern Finland. Her research and teaching focus on international sales management, customer–seller relationships, inter-organizational collaboration, and entrepreneurship. She has published many research articles in the high-ranked peer-reviewed journals and participated in several Erasmus+ projects.
Business School, University of Eastern Finland, FINLAND

Prof. Dr. Gilles Rouet
DirectorProf. Dr. Gilles Rouet is Professor of Public Management, Director of the Institute ISM-IAE (Institut Supérieur de Management) of Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris Saclay University (France), and Professor of International Relations, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica (Slovakia). He holds an ad personam Jean Monnet Chair since 2009. He was also Attaché for Academic and Scientific cooperation at the French Embassy in Bulgaria (2010-14) and at the French Embassy of France in Slovakia (2004-08).
Paris-Saclay University, UVSQ, LAREQUOI, Versailles, FRANCE

Prof. Dr. Marina Latukha
ProfessorMarina Latukha is a Professor, Leonard de Vinci Pole University, Ecole de Management, Research Center. She teaches international and strategic human resource management for BA, MA and MBA programmes. Marina Latukha has attended several postdoctoral programmes in leading European and USA business schools, including the Harvard Business School, the Haas School of Business, the London Business School and the HEC School of Business. She is an Academic director of Doctoral programs.
Leonard de Vinci Pole University, Ecole de Management, Research Center, FRANCE

Prof. Dr. Nino Enukidze
RectorProf. Dr. Nino Enukidze is the Rector of Business and Technology University with more than 10 years of experience of working in education sector, engaging stakeholders in innovations and technology agenda of the country. She launched Global Startup Foundation to operate at Silicon Valley Tbilisi in collaboration with Israel’s Silicon Wadi. Professor Enukidze acted also as a Dean at BTU and Deputy Director and Dean at the Management Institute of Illia State University.
Business and Technology University, GEORGIA

Prof. Dr. Michael-Jörg Oesterle
DeanProf. Dr. Michael-Jörg Oesterle is Full Professor of International and Strategic Management at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences. Since 2016 he is also Dean of the School. Furthermore, he serves since 2006 as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management International Review, a well established Journal of International Business, and since 2016 as Member of the University Council of the German University in Cairo.
School of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart, GERMANY

Prof. Dr. Athanassios Mihiotis
DeanProf. Dr. Athanassios Mihiotis is Professor at the School of Social Sciences of the Hellenic Open University and Director of the MBA Programme. Since 2016 he has been serving as the Dean of the Faculty. He graduated from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, where he completed his studies in Industrial Management. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. His research interests lie in the area of Services Management.
Hellenic Open University, GREECE

Prof. Dr. Ákos Jarjabka
Head of the InstituteÁkos Jarjabka (Szeged, 27.5.1972) is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pécs (UP FBE) graduated his PhD in 2004 and habilitated in 2016. Since 2013, he has been the Head of the Institute of Leadership and Organizational Sciences of the UP FBE, and since 2015 he has been the Rector’s representative of the UP Diaspora Project Network. His publications cover general management, national and organizational culture.
Institute of Leadership and Organizational Sciences, University of Pécs, HUNGARY

Prof. Dr. Marco Tutino
Head of the DepartmentProf. Dr. Marco Tutino studied in San Diego and London and obtained his PhD in Business Administration. Professor Tutino is a Head of Department of Business Studies at Roma Tre University, Roma. He has served as a (Co-Chief) Editor in several journals and has a very rich international experience. Marco teaches courses from the field of Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, Performance Measurement and others.
Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University, ITALY

Prof. Dr. Birutė Miškinienė
DirectorProfessor Birute Miskiniene is a Managing Director at Vilnius University Business School. She was leading a NA in Lithuania of the European Commission program Leonardo da Vinci. Professor Miskiniene is also a vice-president of the Vilnius Chamber of Commerce. She was a Task Force member at IPMA, EU ICT expert group member, board member of MITA (an agency of Science, Innovation, and Technology). Besides, she is also an initiator of several women entrepreneurship projects and events. She came up with the Entrepreneurial Family conference initiative, which is successfully organized annually since 2016.
Business School, Vilnius University, LITHUANIA

Prof. Dr. Rita Bendaravičienė
DeanProf. Dr. Rita Bendaravičienė is a Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management and Assoc. Professor at the Department of Management at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Research interests: Employer Branding, Organizational Attractiveness, Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Ecology. Courses taught: Strategic Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Social and Marketing Research, Organizational Communication.
Faculty of Economics and Management of Vytautas Magnus University, LITHUANIA

Prof. Dr. Abdolali (Ali) Kahtibi
Senior Vice PresidentA Career spanning of 42 years in academia and industry, has held many senior academic and administrative positions at The Management and Science University and has been instrumental in research, teaching and administration. a Professor of Marketing and SVP. He is been honoured as a Senior Research Fellow, won the Gold and Silver Medal for “Invention and Innovation research, over 300 publications, over 6000 citations, over 200 Master and PhD supervisions.

Prof. Dr. Firdaus Abdullah
DeanProf. Dr. Firdaus Abdullah Dean, Faculty of Business Management, UiTM obtained his DBA from University of South Australia, MBA from Bournemouth University, Diplôme des Etudes Techniques Superieures and en Gestion des Entreprises from Université de Poitiers, France. With 27 years of experience, he has obtained awards including 2 honorary recognition from the Governor of Sarawak. Professor Firdaus is keen on making organizational improvement.

Prof. Dr. Frank Bezzina
DeanProfessor Frank Bezzina (PhD) is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, University of Malta. He lectures in Applied Business Statistics, Management Science & Decision Analysis, and Research Methodology. He has a keen interest in investigating phenomena in the organisational sciences. He currently holds non-executive positions as Director of the Central Bank of Malta and Chairperson of WasteServ Malta Ltd.
Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy, University of Malta, MALTA

Prof. Dr. Marika Taishoff
Director of the MBA ProgramProf. Dr. Marika Taishoff has extensive international experience in management education; executive education and consulting; MBA/EMBA program development; strategic consulting; and leadership development. She is an award-winning author of numerous business case studies illustrating best practice in fields of customer orientation and experience management; strategic marketing; services management; luxury management; global strategy and entrepreneurship.
International University of Monaco, MONACO

Prof. Dr. Marija Jankovic
DeanProfessor Marija Janković is a Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies of Mediterranean University in Montenegro. Before becoming a dean, Marija spent several years working as a deputy dean, commercial director, chief coordinator of the faculty team for cooperation with government bodies. Her academic interest is in the field of Marketing with an emphasis on marketing plans, branding plans, sales analysis of the micro and macro environment of the company communication strategy, PR Promotional activities.
Faculty of Business Studies of Mediterranean University, MONTENEGRO

Prof. Dr. Jadranka Denkova
ProfessorProf. Dr. Jadranka Denkova specializes in the field of Strategic Management, General Management, Human Resources Management, Management in Public Administration, Public Law, and Public Policy. She obtained her master’s degree in Human Resources Management. Before joining the academic community, professor Denkova gained extensive experience as a Head of the Administrative and Management Department. She has also been involved with professional strategic planning at the university and college levels, including curriculum development, relations with other universities, and accreditation. Her knowledge and experience are enriched by study visits in several European countries (France, Italy, Austria, Sweden, and Germany), as well as in India and Singapore.
University ”Goce Delchev”, Faculty of law, Shtip, NORTH MACEDONIA

Ambassador Prof. Dr. Pande Lazarevski
ProfessorProfessor Lazarevski has spent decades teaching and working at the Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. He is a Europe-wide recognized scholar decorated by the Prime Minister of the Republic of France as a “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques”. Professor Lazarevski was Fulbright Fellow at University of Pittsburgh, Johns Hopkins University, and Ohio State University. He was a director of the Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, director of several projects of national and international importance, member of the National Board for Accreditation in Higher Education as well as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of North Macedonia to Romania.
Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, NORTH MACEDONIA

Prof. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj
Professor, Honorary Board SecretaryProf. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovikj is a full-time professor in Human Resource Management and Research Methodology in Business and Management at the Institute of Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje. Since 2019 and currently is a Head of the Department for Organizational sciences and Coordinator of the HRM postgraduate studies. She has a rich experience as a researcher and consultant.

Prof. Dr. Leif Egil Hem
Head of the DepartmentLeif E. Hem is a professor in marketing at Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). From 1993 he has been a researcher at SNF as well as an associate professor at BI. His research focus is on consumer behavior and brand management in general and on behavior in the sharing economy, impact of weather on consumer behavior, and crowding in particular. The methodological focus covers different techniques within both qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. Professor Hem is the Head of Department of Strategy and Management.
Norwegian School of Economics, NORWAY

Prof. Dr. Piotr Bartkowiak
Head of the DepartmentProf. Dr. Piotr Bartkowiak is a Head of the Department of Investments and Real Estate and Director of management studies at the Faculty of Management of Poznań University of Economics and Business. His area of interest is related to the enterprise, local government and sustainable development. Piotr is the author or a co-author of more than 250 publications and the scientific editor of 20 monographs.
Faculty of Management, Poznań University of Economics and Business, POLAND

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Rodrigues Gonçalves
DirectorAlexandra Rodrigues Gonçalvesis the Director of the School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism at Universityof Algarve (UAlg). She is an Integrated Researcher at CinTurs (Research Centre on Tourism, Sustainability and Wellbeing) and Adjunct Professor of the University of the Algarve. From December 2013 to December 2018 she was Regional Director of Culture of the Algarve, having been councillor of the Municipality of Faro.
School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism of University of the Algarve, PORTUGAL

Prof. Dr. Sónia P. Nogueira
DeanSónia Paula da Silva Nogueira (sonia@ipb.pt) teaches at the School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism (EsACT) at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) since 2000. Currently lecturing Public Sector Accounting, Public Audit and Management, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, her research interests focus on Public Sector Accounting and Management, particularly on the Local Government area – Financial Reporting.

Prof. Dr. Mircea Duică
Vice-RectorVice-Rector of Valahia University and former Dean of Faculty of Economics of Valahia University professor Duică is well-known for his scientific and research achievements in the field of management science. Professor Duică has served as a member of numerous scientific and expert teams in Romania and worldwide.
Faculty of Economics, Valahia University of Targoviste, ROMANIA

Prof. Dr. Chivu Luminita
General DirectorSenior Researcher I in Economics (since 1992) and the General Manager of the National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy (since 2011). Member of the The Consultative Council for Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Romania. Expertise on agricultural policies and competitiveness, sustainable rural development, labor market, economic growth and restructuring and European integration.

Prof.dr. Andrei Jean Vasile
Scientific coordinator – Managing DirectorPhD Andrei Jean-Vasile is full professor of economics at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Department of Business Administration and Ph.D. mentor in economics at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. In 2022 has been appointed as Managing Director of the Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency within the National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu”, Romanian Academy.

Prof. Dr. Dejan Eric
DeanProfessor Erić (born 1962) is a Dean of the Belgrade Banking Academy in Belgrade, Serbia. Between 2006-2015 he was Director of Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade. His research interest Strategy, Principles of Management, Organization, Corporate Restructuring and Mergers and Acquisitions. He is visiting professor at University of Cote d Azur in Nice and Economic Faculty at Technical University in Košice.
Belgrade Banking Academy, SERBIA

Prof. Dr. Janka Táborecká
Deputy Head of the DepartmentProfessor Janka Táborecká works as Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Corporate Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. She is also a member of the Faculty Scientific Council, guarantee of bachelor study programme Business Economics and Management and co-guarantee of master study Marketing Management of Business.
Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University, SLOVAKIA

Prof. Dr. Lidija Weis
DeanLidija Weis is the Dean of the B2 Ljubljana School of Business. She obtained her PhD at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, in the field of service profit chain in adult education. For the last 12 years, she has held top positions at the privately-owned educational institutions. Her research work covers the field of social sciences. Since 2015 she has been an active member of the Beta Gamma Sigma.
B2 Ljubljana School of Business, SLOVENIA

Prof. Dr. Marta Mas-Machuca
DeanProf. Dr. Marta Mas-Machuca is a dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC). She graduated Business Administration from the University of Navarra and got her Ph.D. from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). For 6 years, she was a Manager of a Business Unit in a consulting company of the Altran Group. Also, she worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Organization at the Engineering School of Barcelona (ETSEIB) for 5 years, teaching on areas such as business and strategic management. Her main research focuses on the knowledge management and mission-driven companies.
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, UIC Barcelona, SPAIN

Prof. Dr. Maria Frostling
DeanProfessor Maria Frostling-Henningsson, PhD, is Associate Professor and Dean at Stockholm Business School. Maria’s research interests lie within the fields of Advertising and Marketing Communications and Consumer Studies. Maria is a qualitative researcher and has completed a four-year consumer study investigating discrepancies between intentions and practices when making groceries purchases. Marias most recent research interest concerns the communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, SWEDEN

Prof. Dr. Rıfat Kamasak
ProfessorRıfat Kamaşak is a professor of Stategic Management and a former dean at the Business School at Yeditepe University, Istanbul. Professor Kamaşak who has 20 years of experience in food, textile, metal and consulting industries holds board membership positions in listed companies. He has a BA from the University of Istanbul, master degrees from Middlesex University London, Durham University (UK) and the University of Oxford and a PhD from the University of Exeter.
Faculty of Economics and Admınıstratıve Sciences, Yeditepe University, TURKEY

Prof. Dr. Elif Erişen
DeanProf. Dr. Elif Erisen is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Yeditepe University, Turkey. She received her BA in Management and BA in Political Science and International Relations from Bogazici University. She obtained her PhD at Stony Brook Univeristy, in the field of public policy, political psychology, and quantitative methods. Her research work covers the field of social and behavioral sciences.
Faculty of Economics and Admınıstratıve Sciences, Yeditepe University, TURKEY

Prof. Dr. Tetyana Vasilyeva
DirectorProf. Dr. Tetyana Vasilyeva is a Director of Oleg Balatskyi Academic and Research Institute of Finance, as well as a Head of the Centre ARMG Publishing and an Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Business Ethics and Leadership”. She has participated in more than 30 international trainings and 50 international projects. Professor Vasilyeva is a member of the Business Support Center in Sumy region of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She has served as a Head of the Banking Department and a Head of the Department of Management of the State Academy of Banking of the NBU Ukrainian Academy of Banking
Sumy State University, UKRAINE

Prof. Dr. Mohammad In’airat
Vice ChancellorProf. Dr. Mohammad In’airat earned his Ph.D. in Management at the Keele Universtiy in U.K. He is the Chair of AAC and is responsible for pursuing the vision and mission of SUC and provide leadership to Academic Advisory Council members, faculty members, staff, and students. He is responsible for operations of SUC to fulfill overall goals and objectives of academic & academic support services and to provide conducive learning environment.
Skyline University College, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Prof. Dr. Osman Khan
DirectorDr. Osman Khan, has over fifteen years of experience working with companies to improve their business performance. His main area of expertise is in Customer Experience Management. Osman has an MBA, and a PhD in Marketing (Bradford). He has worked as the Director of MBA Programmes at the Royal Docks Business School, at the University of East London. Dr. Khan has also taught at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and at the School of Management at the University of Bradford. He is a founder and director of the
Institute of Customer Management, UNITED KINGDOM

Prof. Dr. Nancy Russo
Emeritus Professor I Former RectorProf. Dr. Nancy L. Russo teaches in the Computer Science & Media Technology Department at Malmö University and heads the Smart Health research area in the Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) Research Center. Previously she was a Professor of Information Systems at Northern Illinois University and the Rector of Slobomir P University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She received her Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Georgia State University. Her recent research has examined the use of technology in social care and the design of Internet of Things systems in the workplace and as part of consumer-focused health improvement systems. She has also studied the use and adaptation of system development methods, web application development, IT innovation and implementation, research methods, IS education issues and women in technology fields. Her work has appeared in Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology, Information Technology & People, Communications of the ACM, and European Journal of Information Systems, as well as other journals, books, and conference proceedings.
Northern Illinois University, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Prof. Dr. Nancy Hubbard
DeanNancy Hubbard, DPhil, FRSA is Dean of the University of Lynchburg’s College of Business and a Professor of Management, an International Professor at IAE University of Marseilles and formerly at SKOLKOVO-Moscow. Nancy taught at the University of Oxford and was an Associate Fellow at Templeton Green College (Oxford) for 17 years. She consults on mergers and acquisitions throughout the world.

Prof. Dr. Jenny Darroch
DeanJenny Darroch is the dean of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Prior to joining Farmer in 2020, Jenny held the position of dean at the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California for four years. At Drucker, Jenny successfully launched the Drucker School Global Family Business Institute and spearheaded three years of enrollment growth.
Secretary of the Honorary Board
Prof. Dr. Marija Topuzovska Latkovitj
WhatsApp: +389 78 336 366
Email: honorary.board@eummas.net
Presidency (2024 – )
Prof. Dr. Yioula Melanthiou, President
Prof. Dr. Dr. Gille Rouet, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Nino Enukidze, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Andrei Jean Vasile, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Janka Táborecká, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Lidija Weis, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Dejan Erić, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Osman Khan, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Jenny Daroch, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Firdaus Abdullah, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Sónia Nogueira, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Saara Julkunen, Vice President
Former Presidency (2020-2024)
Prof. Dr. Pande Lazarevski, President
Prof. Dr. Osman Khan, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Maria Frostling, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Saara Julkunen, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Brodel, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Melika Husic-Mehmedovic, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Eleni Hadjiconstantinou, Vice President
Prof. Dr. Lidija Weis, Vice President
(with changes adopted at the Honorary Board Presidency Meeting held on November 4, 2020, Decision No. 2020.11/4.1)
‘…those who have rendered meritorious service to their societies and science”
(1) The Honorary Board is an elite group of academics and business leaders who are willing to support the work of EUMMAS. The Board is made up of eminent community members who are committed to the Association’s mission and goals.
(2) Members utilize their community image in order to help promote and support the Association. In return, members will be recognized generously in the Association’s materials including the promo materials, website, and social media outlets.
(3) Board meetings are held online at least once a year. The members are not required to attend them but are encouraged and welcome.
(4) The Honorary Board Members benefit from:
- attending EUMMAS events free of charge upon invitation;
- being recognized at the annual conference;
- receiving a EUMMAS plaque;
- being provided with a letter/certificate indicating the status;
- enjoying all membership benefits except hold office and vote;
- having the opportunity to network with business professionals and leaders;
- being recognised in press releases and media;
- being presented on the Association’s website;
- having opportunities to make a positive impact in the community;
- having opportunities to participate in different projects and events.
(5) The participation in the Board is on a pro bono basis. However, the members who take part in different activities such as EUMMAS events (as keynote speakers, session chairs, or similar), training or projects are remunerated for their effort. In such cases, the Association bears the travel and accommodation costs and provide per diem allowance and compensation for the work and time invested.
(6) An individual qualifies for Honorary Board Membership if he/she:
- is invited to join the Board by the Association or recommended by a Board member;
- has made significant contributions to science;
- is regarded to have made significant contributions to the profession and have served the industry with distinction and honour;
- has occupied a responsible position or demonstrated high professional interest in the field of business and business studies;
- is employed in a reputable institution.
(7) The Honorary Board Members:
- suggest possible nominees to the Board;
- advocate and act as ambassadors of the Association;
- attend board meetings and events when possible;
- serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments;
- suggest certain activities and help implement them.
(8) The Honorary Board President, and his/her Vice-Presidents are appointed by the President of the Association.
The Honorary Board President ensures that the Board meets at least once a year and function properly.
He/she prepares materials for the meetings and facilitate the preparations.
Vice Presidents provide help upon request. The Honorary Board President and Vice Presidents are members of the Nominating Committee and make decisions on new members recommendations. The Presidency is elected for the period of two years.
(9) The Board members are informed about the activities of the Association and are welcome to participate.
(10) The membership is for life. It can be terminated by a Member at any time for any reason or by the Association in case of misconduct (para 12 & 13).
(11) The number of Honorary Board members is not limited.
(12) Honorary Board members are not allowed to take any financial or any other obligations towards third persons on behalf of the Association.
(13) Honorary Board members are not allowed to use brand EUMMAS and the membership status in the Board when communicating any sensitive issues including but not limited to religion, race, gender, minorities, politics etc.
Individuals who are invited by the Association or recommended by a Board member can register here.
Upcoming meeting:
In June 2024.
Past events
A2S Event: “Digitalization in Business Processes and HRM.
Date: Jan 17, 2024
Time: 05:30 PM Vienna
A2S Event: Ethics in Business and Policy Making
Date: January 11, 2023
Time: 5 PM, CET
Meeting Minutes
17.01.2024 – HB/AB Meeting Minutes 2024.01.17.04
07.06.2023 – Honorary Board Meeting Minutes (2023.06.7.01)
14.10.2021 – Honorary Board Presidency Meeting Minutes (2021.10/14.1)
22.03.2021 – Honorary Board Presidency Meeting Minutes (2021.03/22.2)
04.02.2021 – Honorary Board Presidency Meeting Minutes (2021.02/04.1)
22.12.2021 – Honorary Board Presidency Meeting Minutes (2020.12/22.2)
16.11.2020 – Honorary Board Presidency Meeting Minutes (2020.11/4.1)
09.10.2020 – Honorary Board Meeting, Minutes
17.01.2024. Decision of the EUMMAS President 2024.01/17.03
17.01.2024. Decision of the EUMMAS President 2024.01/17.01
In Memoriam

Prof. Dr. Darko Marinkovic
1948 – 2021Honorary Board Member 2019 – 2021