Center for Public Policy and Administration (CEPPA) serves the community through education and training, consultancy, and helping organisations plan and shape the future needs. The Center offers a range of management consultancy services designed to help organisations with the development and achievement of their objectives. Areas of expertise are national, regional and local government management, management advisory services, taxation, budgeting, crisis management, public sector marketing, and public sector finances.
RESEARCH PROJECT: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
We are announcing a Research project that will lead to a publication by Springer, and would like to invite Colleagues of the EUMMAS network as soon as possible to take part in it.
If we get a large number of contributions, we will be able to consider several publications and not only the book planned by Springer.
Participatory Democracy and Digital at Local Level: European Discourses and Practices
Le digital et la démocratie participative au niveau local: discours et pratiques européennes
05.11.2021 Center for Public Policy and Administration, Meeting Minutes 2021.11/05.1
27.09.2021. Research Centers Directorate Meeting Minutes (2021.09/27.1)